BMW set to test 40 self driving cars for foray into ride sharing


Move over Uber, BMW is doing some autonomous vehicle testing of its own in Germany next year, according to Reuters.

The rise in popularity of car-sharing apps such as Uber is part of the catalyst for this, according to the news service.

It reports that BMW will test 40 cars with a self-drive function around Munich’s inner city, before expanding this out to others in due course.

According to Reuters, tech companies such as Uber and Lyft have...

By Rachael Power, 09 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

Why we need to build the ecosystem for autonomous vehicles


The federal transportation authority is calling for a national set of standards on driverless car safety. Tesla just announced its Autopilot feature for all future models, and meanwhile, the White House recently announced an initiative for a vehicle charging network covering 25,000 miles of US highways.

These recent developments are bringing about the reality of widespread autonomous vehicles – sooner than many had realised. Of course, a number of other pieces must fall into place to...

By Jeremy McCool, 08 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless, Ecosystems.

Why driverless cars are making their way to California

Driverless vehicle technology is a new and exciting industry. However, even with the recent advancements we have seen, there are still several obstacles that autonomous technicians need to overcome before we see a lot of self-driving cars out on the streets.

Some of these roadblocks include finding the best minds to work with and strict restrictions set by local governments. In response to these challenges, it seems we have seen several companies that are developing self-driving technology shifting their work...

By Rick Delgado, 07 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

Apple writes letter outlining stance on self-driving cars

The rumours about a possible Apple foray into self-driving car technology have possibly been assuaged somewhat - but in true ambiguous Apple style. 

The company has reportedly written a letter to the US' National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), expressing their excitement about the potential of automated systems "in many areas, including transportation". 

The letter doesn't say whether Apple is intending to build its own autonomous vehicle, but did say it has heavy investment in...

By Rachael Power, 05 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

Driverless cars would add to European GDP, Nissan report says

It certainly seems to be a fact-finding mission at the moment where driverless cars are concerned, highlighted by yet another survey delving into what people think about the emerging tech.

This time it’s Nissan that has done the digging, and in addition to what people see autonomous cars being useful for, they’ve also looked at the financial impact of the vehicles on European roads.

By Rachael Power, 02 December 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

80% of driverless car users would 'relax and enjoy the scenery', Ford survey says


Driverless cars are still a few years off yet, but people already have quite strong views on how they would impact everyday life.

As Ford recently announced it would start European testing of autonomous cars next year, it also commissioned a survey asking people from various countries how they would pass their time when travelling in one.

In response, 80% said they...

By Rachael Power, 30 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

Tesla's Enhanced Autopilot to start rolling out in December

New Tesla owners will get Enhanced Autopilot features within a matter of weeks, Elon Musk tweeted recently.

The Tesla boss was answering a query from a car owner, who said he was “upset” the Model S’ new hardware meant it is missing some features that older models have.

He tweeted a copy of an email that reportedly came from Tesla, saying that some features, including auto windshield wipers, park assist and side collision warning, wouldn’t work on the new...

By Rachael Power, 28 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

NuTonomy to start testing self-driving cars in Boston

Car tech startup nuTonomy will start road testing autonomous cars in Boston before the end of the year.

The company, which creates software that builds self-driving cars and driverless mobile robots, began in 2013 and aims to deliver fully driverless cars by 2019.

It’s already got a self-driving taxi pilot up and running in Singapore, whose government were part of the company’s recent $16m funding round. It’s also working with Uber rival Grab in...

By Rachael Power, 21 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

New development kit allows you to build your own driverless car


Sick of waiting for driverless cars to become mainstream? Have you got developer skills, $1,000 to spare and a 2014 Kia Soul going spare? If so, you can now just build your own.

PolySync has released an Open Source Car Control Project (OSCC) development kit on GitHub, which allows developers to modify and test driverless car technology.

They have stressed this is only to be used for research and development...

By Rachael Power, 17 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.

Intel Capital to invest $250m in autonomous driving


Intel Capital is targeting $250m of new autonomous driving investments over the next two years, according to its CEO.

Speaking at LA Auto Show, AutoMobility this week, Brian Krzanich said that the new investments would ‘make autonomous driving a reality’.

Intel has already developed a platform solution that spans hardware and software for advanced driver systems, software defined cockpits and the heavy compute...

By Rachael Power, 16 November 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Driverless.